If you have work conditions that are againts the labor law you may seek help againts these labor right violations.
In the case of certain labor rights violations regarding health and safety, turn to the Occupational Safety and Health Hungarian Authority website at https://mvff.munka.hu/#/ . The website has a Hungarian and an English version, with the latter having less information. On the English page, you can find information on your rights and obligations in several languages, such as English, French, or German, FAQs and information on the posting of employees, if you’re an employer.
General labor lawsuits are through Hungarian Courts. These lawsuits may include those related to wages or other benefits related to work, or to termination of employment (lawsuits for sanctions due to unlawful termination of employment, etc.), lawsuits for damages against employers or employees, or lawsuits related to collective bargaining or factory agreements. For more information, look up the website of the Hungarian Judiciary courts at https://birosag.hu/en/labour-lawsuits. Here, you can find information in English on labour lawsuits, as well as most procedures related to the judiciary system. You may also seek out a lawyer to help you.